Welcome to Secret Hippie's Homeschool pages!

We have homeschooled our children on and off for 20 years and now we have the youngest 2 of the 5 are starting off on their own 'schooling' experience and we want to share the journey. We hope to show you our ways of providing a rich but thrifty education.

We are ECLECTIC homeschoolers. We have tried strict 'school at home' to 'unschooling' and found we were most comfortable somewhere in the middle! So expect to find bits of both. We hope that you find some ideas that might help you with your own homeschooling journeys.

It might be good to know that we are not staunchly 'schoolers' or 'homeschoolers" we see pros and cons to both, we understand life's circumstances are different for everyone and even the needs of a family change, sometimes even quite suddenly. For those that have children at school, you might find some fun low cost activities to do with your children :o)

Friday, September 9, 2011


Spelling with magnetic letters and white boards.
Intruder alert!
Slight distraction.

Older child made a sentence.

Going slowly, building confidence.
Spelling Kindergarten/prep/early stage1

If you think spelling is something you want to do at this stage, you can make up your own lists or Google spelling lists.

Something like this seems good, I'd be happy to use it: http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/spelling-levela.html
These download as a work sheet which you might like the child to do, or use it as a list and make up your own activities.

Use magnetic letters on the fridge or a magnetic white board. Or get out scrabble if you have it to form the words. Or cut out the alphabet and form words.
Make the words with play dough (homemade of course).
Write them in the sand/dirt or even a floured bench.
Make the words into 2 sets of cards and play a matching games.
Make up sentences using the spelling words. Have the child tell you a few different sentences with the same word.
Paint the words, finger or brush.
Chalk on the footpath.

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